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Welcome to EcoVida Routes
There has never been a more important time to get education for sustainability right. We develop young people, train their teachers and create opportunities for them to engage with employers so that their knowledge, skills and aspirations about sustainability can and will lead to long term change for them as citizens, their careers and their communities.

What we do
EcoVida Routes operates in three key areas where we know we can have most impact:
1. We manage and deliver projects which directly engage young people and help to change their attitudes towards sustainability.
2. Training teachers to improve their subject knowledge and embed sustainability into their curriculum.
3. Working directly with employers to make sure all of our work is relevant to industry and the careers that young people might enter in the future.
Our aim is to build their sense of connection with nature and understand the impact we have as consumers and stewards of the earth. This forms the basis of resilience training to recognise the issues and come up with viable solutions now and for the future. The system thinking developed in these programmes help young people plan for a sustainable future in an empowered but realistic way.

"Helping young people to recognise and act on their sustainability concerns."
We offer the following programmes:

Who are we?
The programme will be delivered by an experienced faculty with important contributions from leading policy experts, practitioners, sustainability thought leaders and sector experts on sustainability leadership. Core faculty includes: