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We directly engage young people in active sustainability projects, some of which are curriculum based and others aimed at developing their innovation and creativity.

Young Green Briton Challenge
YGBC is designed to engage large numbers of young people in a design thinking based competition, tackling a sustainability issue of their choice. They undertake curriculum learning about sustainability, complete a design sprint and then move forward with a single idea, planning and prototyping before presenting at a Dragon's Den in order to be selected for the regional and national celebration events.
There are 15 schools in the north-west taking part in 2025 and EcoVida Routes is managing these as a regional hub. Schools are located in Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Greater Merseyside and Lancashire,
Halton Primary Sustainability Education Pilot
5 schools in Halton are collaborating to include sustainability education in their curriculum and take action on their schools sites. Using the Eco-Pioneers curriculum from Social Innovation for All, these schools are creating inclusive and engaging opportunities for younger children to engage with issues and solutions for a more sustainable world in their futures.
Some schools have selected projects directed at individual topics mapped into the existing learning plan and others have selected themed dropdown activities, some taking up an entire week to dedicate to sustainability.

Post-16 Extended Project Qualification
Delivered at Connell Co-op College, this project is a pilot running the EPQ from Pearson and supported by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment. It will use UN Upshift materials to help students explore the challenges of sustainability and come up with viable solutions in a field of their choice. Some students are focussing on a community need such as recycling whereas others are working on something related to their chosen career e.g. reducing plastic waste in dentistry.
A key element in employer/expert engagement where young people undertake a number of seminars with leading voices to investigate their issue and develop modern applicable thinking.